Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Game Design: Platform Proposal

 Now we come to the point where we finally design our own platform level!
Here's my initial level design idea.

  • What is the conflict? 
Jim, a space fairing human from the year 2099, has crash landed on an alien planet known as Flordai.
Filled with monstrous alien alligators and weird landscapes, Jim must traverse the planet's surface in search of energy clusters to help fix his ship so he can get back home!

  • What is the twist?
Jim must avoid alien alligators and the dangerous alien terrain in order to find energy clusters to help re-power his ship to get back to Earth.

  • Where is it?
The game takes place on an alien planet known as Flordai in the future where humans are traveling through the cosmos.

  • What time of year is it?
Summer time on the planet Flordai.

  • What time of day is it?
The game takes place during the day on an alien planet. 

  • Who else lives there?
Alien alligators, weird alien natives, and man-eating vegetation.

  • What does the architecture look like?
The architecture is very alienish, with weird eyes and tentacles all over. There're some hills and stone structures to climb and some weird fauna here and there.

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