Monday, April 29, 2013

Grunt Final: Plague Runner

For our 3D-Design final we had to come up with and construct a Grunt video game enemy.I went with this design for a creature which would carry a lethal virus payload on it's back and help spread the main game's enemy force spread plagues. He's what I've dubbed a Plague Runner.I really enjoyed coming up with the idea and actually sculpting the guy.If I had more time I would have loved to have made him some needle guns for accessories.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cartoon Character-Skeletal Overlay

For figure class we had to choose a cartoon character that was an animal.From their we had to create a skeletal overlay of what we thought they'd look like underneath. Very fun project to do.

Monday, April 15, 2013

General Walk Cycle

Grunt Assignment Design: Plague Runner

For my 3D class we have to design a grunt-like video game enemy.Came up with this ball of needles and hugs. Big and bulky with a payload of deadly viruses on him, he's not one to poke around with.