Monday, September 23, 2013

Real World Observation

It's amazing what you miss everyday when you're not looking very closely at something. If you want to understand mechanics and environment you really have to first look at the world around you and see how everything interacts. No Matter How Small It May Be. By maintaining this habit daily I bet you'll have the eyes of a detail-loving hawk. Well maybe not but it's a great habit to nurture because you'll be able to see so much.

For my RWO(Real World Observation), I sat down in a lobby at my school's student center here for three 1 hour sessions at different points in the day to see how many people would use the staircase or the elevators. I got a lot of data from this observation surprisingly.

So here're the basic stats I ended up with:

It appears that, despite what I thought would be the opposite outcome, the stairs were used more than the elevators. From experience I can say that using the stairs is actually faster than the elevators so that could be a factor to consider for why some people may have used it. That and the stairs only go up to floor 2 and 3.
When actually using the elevators people appeared to favor the 5th and 3rd floor the most. The 5th being one of the forming areas while the 3rd is where most of the classrooms and labs are located. 
When using the elevator to go down most people preferred going straight down to the 1st floor lobby. The 3rd floor was yet again the second pick.

I managed to make some easy conclusions from various other observations too but this data is what I'd like to consider the "main" event. So, it looks like when choosing between the stairs and elevators people would most likely go with the stairs while using the elevator a person will be going to either the 3rd or 5th floor if going up while the 1st if coming down.

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