Thursday, February 27, 2014

3D Vehicle:1966 Impala SS

Due to some serious issues with Maya I'm deathly afraid of putting the more fixed-up version of my car into UDK, so here's the (just about) final vehicle for my 3D class. I'm not very keen of vehicles of any sort so modeling this has been a really interesting, and painful, experience. Can't wait to drive this baby around in our racing levels for my game design class though!

Here's the finalized model in Maya. The program has been hell for me this semester due to it destroying my model because of history issues or other but I came out on top in the end! We had a 50,000 poly limit for our cars and I managed to make it to exactly that...Of course I had to do some intense poly hunt down to get rid of any extra.

The textured version of my Impala. This will have been the very first car I've ever modeled and textured so I think it came out pretty decent. I'd love to go back and tweak it in the future though after this semester ends. Maybe I'll add some wacky thrusters or something to it.

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